Plantation at Maharishi Bliss Residency
As part of one-week plantation programme under “Green India and Cool India”, plantation ceremony was organised at Maharishi Bliss Residence, Bhojpur Road, Bhopal. Chief Guest of the ceremony was Shri J. K. Mohanty, Principal Chief Conservator Forest, Madhya Pradesh.
Shri Mohanty was given traditional welcome with Tilak, Shawl, Coconut and Flower bouquet by Vedic Pundits with chanting of Vedic Mantras.
Saplings of Neem, Bargad, Jamun, Mango, Munga, Champa, Ashok and number of other varieties were planted in about 3 acres land by a large group of Maharishi Organisation members.
Shri Mohanty has informed the programme of the forest department to plant and maintain large forests in India and immediate need to save the environment. He specially mentioned that the number of trees like Neem, Peepal and Bargad provides deep shadow and the large quantity of Oxygen. The plants have a huge value of their existence directly and indirectly over time.
Brahmachari Girish Ji, Chancellor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University and Chairman of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools Group has mentioned that all over India Maharishi Organisation is organizing over 100,000 plantations this year. Brahmachari Ji has invited the forest department to guide and help Maharishi Organisation to do large scale sustainable forestry for the benefit of Indian masses.
Shri NV Singh Tyagi-Chief Coordinator of Maharishi Institute of Skill Development and Training, Shri Vasudev Dwivedi-Deputy Director of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools, Shri Pallav Sharma-GM of MBR, Shri Dinesh Khare and Shiv Kumar-Administrators of Maharishi Ved Vigyan Vidyapeeth were also present on the occasion.
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