
Showing posts from February, 2019

Brahmachari Girish Chandra Varma Ji - Importance of Meditation

Importance   of   Meditation Brahmachari Girish Chandra Varma Ji Brahmachari Girish Chandra Varma Ji is speaking on importance of Transcendental Meditation, Siddhi and Yogi Flying to the students, teachers and staff of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools. ब्रह्मचारी गिरीश जी ध्यान और सिद्धि की महत्वपूर्णता के बारे में महर्षि विद्या मंदिर विद्यालयों के छात्रों, अध्यापक एवं कर्मचारी बताते है. उनसे ध्यान, सिद्धि एवं योगिक फ्लाइंग अपने जीवन में नियमित प्रातः और संध्या अवश्य करने के फायदे बताते हैं . ब्रह्मचारी जी कहते हैं कि महर्षि विद्या मंदिर विद्यालायों की शिक्षा चेतना पर आधारित शिक्षा है . जब तक हम चेतना की विकास नहीं करेंगे चाहे वोधिक रूप से जितना भी शिक्षा प्राप्त कर लें, जब तक चेतना का विकास नहीं होगा, आत्मा का विकास नहीं होगा तब तक हमारा जो ज्ञान है हमारा जो विकास है हमारा जो जीवन का लक्ष्य है मोक्ष का लक्ष्य है वो पूर्ण नहीं होगा . एक अखंड चेतना सागर विश्व रूप में लहराया है - जो अपनी चेतना है वही विश्व की चेतना है. Human is Cosmic. ब्रहमचारी गिरीश ...

Maharishi Vidya Mandir Chairman -Girish Chandra Varma on Yoga Day

Maharishi Vidya Mandir Chairman -Girish Chandra Varma on Yoga Day Maharishi Vidya Mandir Chairman Girish Chandra Varma  Speech on Yoga Day. According to Girish Ji Yoga is Most Important to our health and fitness. If We do Yoga So We are Save Several Diseases. Maharishi Vidya Mandir ®  Schools (MVMs) have been established to introduce Maharishi Consciousness based Education in mainstream of school education in India. Maharishi Vidya Mandir School chain is one of the largest school systems with 167 branches in 16 states with about 100000 students and about 6500 teaching, administrative and support staff have proven its importance in Indian society for last 28 years. Keeping in view the local requirement, schools are functional from KG to 12th standard. MVM is among top 10 schools in India with 96 branches are affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi and rests are affiliated to respective State School Education Boards. Thankyou.

Brahmachari Girish Chandra Varma - Need of Administrators

    Brahmachari Girish Chandra Varma     Need of Administrators Girish Chandra Varma Brahmachari Girish Ji speaks about need of administrators to prepare and train the next generation. Students with leadership quality of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools India who are appearing/passing 12th examination, eligible to apply. They will be provided complete free education including boarding and loading from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic Vishwavidyalaya. They will be provided complete Vedic Education from Graduation, Post Graduation and PhD degrees. Thank You ...

Brahmachari Dr. Girish Chandra Varma Ji Hon'ble Chairman's message

Brahmachari Dr. Girish Chandra Varma Ji Hon'ble Chairman's Message Brahmachari Girish Chandra Varma Message of Brahmachari Girish Ji Chairman - Maharishi Group of Institutions for its collaboration of NSE Academy collaboration for offering various courses in Financial Markets. In his address he said - This is collaboration between silence and dynamism, silence and action. Thank You..